#FakeNews and Disinformation
“Fake news” has emerged, seemingly (but not really) out of nowhere, to permeate our increasingly digital society. As a phrase, “fake news” is closely connected to disinformation, propaganda, rumor, false news and misinformation. The Trump administration has adopted it to criticize all manner of journalism. Its latest emergence has triggered fierce debates about, among other things, manipulation of politics and public opinion, the ethical and professional standards of journalism, the role of social media, the critical capacities of audiences, and the tension between the freedom to share even false information with the well-established rights to exercise the freedom of expression.
This site, developed and maintained by the University of California, Irvine School of Law’s International Justice Clinic, aims to provide resources to understand, track and respond to the issue of “fake news.”
Please share any new or noteworthy items – news stories, academic studies, technology solutions, civil society projects, etc. — by emailing them to one of the emails on the left sidebar. As long as they aren’t fake, we will try to post them here.