The annual report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression, David Kaye, is now available online.
Encryption and Anonymity Annual Report
In his first report to the Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur addresses two linked questions: First, do the rights to privacy and freedom of opinion and expression protect secure online communication, specifically by encryption or anonymity? And second, assuming an affirmative answer, to what extent may governments, consistent with human rights law, impose restrictionson encryption and anonymity? The report seeks to answer these questions, review examples of State practice, and propose recommendations.
In preparing this study, the Special Rapporteur circulated a questionnaire to States, seeking relevant information on their domestic laws, regulations, policies or practices. As of 01 April, sixteen States responded to this request. The Special Rapporteur also issued a call for submissions from non-governmental stakeholders and convened an experts meeting in Geneva in March 2015. The responses from Governments and the submissions by civil society organizations and individuals contributed significantly to the preparation of this report.
The Special Rapporteur also prepared an additional companion document providing additional sources for those interested in additional research that supports the conclusions drawn in the report.
Encryption report accompanying document
Download the submissions received from States:
- Albania
- Austria
- Bulgaria
- Cuba
- Germany
- Greece
- Guatemala
- Ireland
- Kazakhstan
- Lebanon
- Qatar
- Republic of Moldova
- Norway
- Slovakia
- Sweden
- Turkey
- United States of America
Download the public submissions received by the Special Rapporteur:
- Access and PEN America
- Article 19
- Association for Progressive Communication
- Australian Privacy Foundation
- Bodle Robert
- Centre for Law Democracy
- Citizen Lab
- Electronic Privacy Information Center
- Freedom House
- Fundacion Karisma
- Global Network Initiative
- Human Rights Foundation and Wick
- Internet principles and rights coalition
- Internet Society
- Joint collaboration
- Jonction Senegal
- Marco Kuhnel and Co
- Molly Land
- Multiple authors
- Privacy International
- Rubinstein and Van Hoboken
- Witness